The keys to a cleaner, healthier world already exist

Nature has provided them, and it falls to us to use those elements to create revolutionary solutions

At QBlue, we engineer surface technology that uses natural phenomena to address a vast array of needs. We create sustainable coatings that deliver antimicrobial protection, advanced self-cleaning methods, greenhouse gas reduction, and enhanced consumer hygiene, all in service of a cleaner and healthier future.

Global Environmental Sustainability is one of the world’s biggest issues today. This includes climate change and global health issues. The challenge is to drive sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The focus must remain on ecological, human and economic health and vitality.

Jim Keener | CEO of QBlue


We are nature's collaborators

QBlue Technologies represents the coming together of some of the brightest minds in quantum-level photocatalytic technology, engineering, manufacturing, business management and product development.


Combined years of experience in engineering, chemistry, research & development, lab testing and management, technology management, and international operations.


Regions in which QBlue operates: United States, Singapore, Middle East, China, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Malaysia, and India.


The number of times over that QBlue technology extends the time between surface cleanings.


Leading the transformation of surface technology for the modern age


Creating healthy living and work environments.

We help promote healthier living and work environments by prioritizing people's well-being, sustainability, and innovation.


Impacting lives for the better.

Through collaboration and continuous improvement, we strive to enhance the quality of life for individuals and communities, fostering a healthier and more sustainable future. We collaborate closely with our clients partners and communities to create customized solutions that meet their unique needs and aspirations.


Advancing surface cleaning technology in service to the environment.

We work with the natural world to extend the lifecycle of buildings and other structures through sustainable practices, innovative solutions, and a deep respect for the environment. We strive to create resilient and enduring spaces that harmonize with nature.


Creating healthy living and work environments.

We help promote healthier living and work environments by prioritizing people’s well-being, sustainability, and innovation.


Impacting lives for the better.

Through collaboration and continuous improvement, we strive to enhance the quality of life for individuals and communities, fostering a healthier and more sustainable future. We collaborate closely with our clients partners and communities to create customized solutions that meet their unique needs and aspirations.


Advancing surface cleaning technology in service to the environment.

We work with the natural world to extend the lifecycle of buildings and other structures through sustainable practices, innovative solutions, and a deep respect for the environment. We strive to create resilient and enduring spaces that harmonize with nature.


The future of QBlue is bright

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